
My mission is to present you with songs that bring peace to your soul. I want you know I am playing all of the instrumental parts on my midi keyboard. It took many years for me to teach myself how to play all of the parts because I have never learned to play an musical instrument so it is a rather criptic and tedious task but I get the job done. I am playing the saxophone, trumpet and trombone parts, piano, organ, violin, bass guitar and all of the drum parts. I record all of this as I am playing it, each on separate tracks. I use Cakewalk by BandLab software running under the Microsoft Windows platform.

My history:

I am now 77 years old. I was born in Trenton, Tennessee during the time when cotton picking season, was the event of the year. I was raised by my grandmother and step grandfather on my father’s side of the family. I do not know my mother or any of my relatives on her side of my family. I grew up in a loving environment although there was very little verbal communication. There was a very high level of trust in our family and they thought I could do no wrong.  I knew my father until he passed away in 1987, but there was very little contact between us during my childhood. Everyone said my looks and habits were identical to his. ‘Boy, you look like your daddy spit you out of his mouth’ was a word that I received often.

I spent 7 years and 4 months in the US Navy. From there I spent a career and retired at IBM. I worked as an electronics technician and as a data systems technician (repaired large mainframe computers) in the navy. I worked as a customer engineer, programming support representative, manager of customer engineers and a systems engineer at IBM. But during both, my time in the navy and my time at IBM, I sang and managed groups and bands as a side line. I also taught myself to compose, play, sing, record and mix my own songs. I did play all of my own music but in a very unorthrodox and cryptic technique, but I do get the job done. I also have many other interests and hobbies including designing and developing (programming) some rather complex software, building and maintaining my website, all of which I taught myself by the grace of God, through reading many, many books and doing a lot of reseach in the internet. I hope you have a rich and enjoyable experience exploring my web site. May God bless you richly.
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Play - You need a shoulder to cry on
Play - A long journey to the wedding